The Second Conference on "Earth Observations for Sustainable Development and Security" was held in Kyiv, Ukraine from 14 to 17 June 2010. More than 80 participants from Ukraine and 10 partner-countries took part in the Conference GEO-UA 2010.

 During the Conference, 10 plenary and more than 70 oral and poster presentations were made on important aspects of Earth observation data application for the solution of crucial problems of sustainable development and security.

In particular:

 Koopman R., GEO Secretariat. «GEOSS: Architecture and Prospects» - about the architecture and development prospects of GEO (Group on Earth Observations) and GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems);
Kussul N., Space Research Institute NAS Ukraine and NSA of Ukraine. «GEO-UA: Ukrainian segment of GEOSS»;
Szarzynski J., United Nations Platformfor Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) «UN-SPIDER, UN-SPIDER Program: Mission and Scope»;
Koliesnichenko Y., Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine, Ischuk O., Center GIS Analyst LTD. «Government Analytical and Informational System of Ukraine by Emergency Situations (GIAS ES) - modern tool for integration of Ukrainian Ministries in the field of Prediction and Reacting to Dangerous Phenomena»;
Gallego J., IPSC-MARS JRC, EU. «Sampling satellite images for area estimation and validation of thematic maps» ;
Markov K., Institute of Mathematics and Informatics BAS; Institute of Information Theories and Applications, Bulgaria. «Intelligent Data Processing in GMES»;
Rientjes T., Twente University; Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, The Netherlands. «Water Consumption in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran: An approach using Remote Sensing and Multi-variable model calibration»;

Lewyckyj N., Flemish Research Center, Belgium. «The Pegasus project: using a stratospheric UAV for very high resolution remote sensing»;
Pyshkarskii S. Государственный космический научно-производственный центр имени М.В. Хруничева. НИИ косимических систем (Россия). «Международная аэрокосмическая система глобального мониторинга – МАКСМ»

State Research and Production Space Center of Khrunichev. Research Institute of Space systems (Russia). "International Global Monitoring Aerospace System - MAKSM".

 Within the conference opening ceremony of the Regional Support Office in Ukraine of UNO's platform based on space information for disaster management and emergency response UN-SPIDER (United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response) was held. There was also a seminar on problems of UNO's platform  UN-SPIDER.
The conference also held a seminar on problems of monitoring of forest resources (Forest Resources Workshop) - initiated by the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and seminar on food safety (Food Security Workshop) - initiated by the Space Research Institute of NAS of Ukraine and NSA of Ukraine and JRC (Joint Research Centre, European Commission).


Within the Conference, the following objectives were achieved:

  • exchange of experience on crucial problems of security and sustainable development was made;
  • general information on the development of international integrated system on Earth observations was given;
  • instruments for international collaboration were defined, in particular, in terms of standards for data exchange, etc;


As a result of discussions during the Conference, the following recommendations of the Conference were considered as necessary:

  1.  To consider as a necessary and urgent step for Ukraine, the creation of Earth observations information system for sustainable development and security (GEO-UA).
  2. To support the initiative of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the National Space Agency of Ukraine on creation of GEO-UA system, and to consider as important coordinated efforts and activities of interested ministries, scientific organizations, universities and private companies in order to implement GEO-UA decision making system.
  3. To consider the collaboration with international organizations such as GEO, CEOS, GMES and INSPIRE as a priority direction of GEO-UA system development.
  4. To assign the international status to the Conference and to hold it once in two years.
  5. To carry out joint research between organizations of Ukraine and Russian Federation in the area of Sun-Earth connections, in particular within Ionosat international project.


Copyright Department of Space Information Technologies and Systems,Space Research Institute NASU-NSAU; adress: 40 Glushkov Ave,03680, Kiev 187, Ukraine; phone +380(44)5262553; E-mail: